Well sorry that I didn't get a group message sent last week it was easily the craziest week of my entire life and you all can ask me about it when I get home and I might tell.
I hope everyone is doing well though! and hope you all had a great week! Heard the CV basketball team did really good in state! so Shout Out to my bro's who play on the team Abe and Job Hux!!!
Well last week we had to take all the missionaries that were finishing to the airport and then pick up the new missionaries it seemed like just a few days ago we were doing the first pick up but amazingly it has already been six week! Now we have this transfer which is a bit different because it is going to be eight weeks long! But it is going to go by way fast because we have a lot of things planned for this transfer so I am super excited for this transfer.
Besides all the craziness that happened last week we had a really good lesson last night with the LA dad and his kids that we have been teaching and last night we set them for baptism!!!! and they will all be preparing to be baptised on the 19th and then the dad is preparing to baptise them that day! so we are super excited the spirit was so strong in the lesson and the kids were so excited they both have been wanting to get baptised for a long time so they are really excited!
Also we were able to see last night a few of our investigators that we haven't been able to see in a while and they hadn't been answering our texts and we finally saw them last night and it turns out he put his phone on top of his car and now he cant find it so that was a relief also!
But that is really all for this week and some of you might be thinking really? but i'm being totally honest when I say we didn't get to do any missionary work the whole week until Sunday, but it is okay because we had great visits with those who we did get to see and Heavenly Father was for sure guiding us throughout the whole day yesterday!
The thing I learned the most this week is to just always remember to never ever let your circumstances get you down their is always a lesson to be learned in everything and we will always learn and grow more when times are tough or we feel weighed down, my challenge to everyone is to always remember how good life is and remember that our Heavenly Father has given us all these things for our benefit and for our good, I have learned the best way to handle all situations is to ask myself what does Heavenly Father want me to learn here and instead of having a bad attitude have a learning attitude and everything works out!
I love you all hope you everyone has a wonderful week!